Want Best Honey in the World? – Try One of These 8


Have you ever wondered what the best honey in the world is? If you have, read on to discover the top 8 best honey in the world!

Honey is the world’s best sweetener. It’s natural, it tastes great, and it has healing properties. Moreover, we humans have a sweet tooth so it’s no surprise that honey has always been a popular sweetener. But, today, honey is more popular than ever, and one could even say it’s the new chocolate. 

However, not all honey is created equal. Some honey is better than others, just like some wines and cheeses are better than others. So, how do you choose the best honey from these options?

There are thousands of honey types worldwide, making it challenging to decide what is best. So, in this blog, we will go through our list and introduce you to the best honey in the world. This list was compiled after extensive research and taste tests on various types of honey from around the world.

Manuka Honey (the absolute best)

Manuka honey, also known as “the golden liquid,” is the best honey in the world. It is made by bees that forage on the nectar of the manuka plant, which grows naturally only in New Zealand and Australia. The name “Manuka” comes from the Maori word for tea tree, which was used by the original settlers to describe this plant.

Manuka honey is dark brown in color and has a tangy taste. 

Moreover, it has antibacterial properties that can treat skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. The antiseptic property of manuka honey helps prevent infections from developing on the skin surface by destroying any harmful microorganisms that may be present in your body.

Besides that, it contains a high concentration of MGO (methylglyoxal); the higher the MGO number, the more potent the active ingredient, making it one of the healthiest honey in the world.

Sourwood Honey

A list of the world’s best honey would be incomplete without mentioning Sourwood honey. Sourwood honey is delicious, sweet, and has a tart, lemony flavor with a caramelized aftertaste. It is a rare and expensive treat, so it’s not something most people will be able to buy on the regular. Furthermore, this honey has a light amber color with minimal crystals. It’s also known as sourwood honeydew or sourwood honeydew melon. 

This honey is produced from the flowers of the sourwood tree (Oxydendrum arboreum), which blooms from late April through June. Sourwood trees are native to the southern Appalachian Mountains, so sourwood honey comes from those regions.

SIDR honey

Next on our list is the SIDR honey. This sweet treat is a specialty product that is very rare and is produced by bees that live in the Sinai Peninsula. The SIDR honey has a distinct flavor and aroma not found in other honey. Its taste differs region to region and year to year, depending on the floral sources available to the bees during their feeding periods.

SIDR honey has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for several ailments such as allergies, colds, skin diseases, and digestive problems. It can also be used as an anti-inflammatory or antitoxin for treating wounds and burns. Aside from health benefits, Sidr honey can also resist crystallization or get granulated, which means you can store it for a long time.

Leatherwood Honey

When it comes to pureness and taste, no honey is more classic than the mighty Leatherwood honey. Leatherwood honey has a dark amber color, rich aroma, and intense flavor. It has been valued for its medicinal properties since the colonial era. Furthermore, this delicious honey is produced in Tasmania, Australia, and is considered 100% pure honey with no additives. 

This makes it an excellent choice for those who want to enjoy the full flavor of pure honey without the addition of any additives or preservatives. 

The bees that make leatherwood honey live in eucalyptus trees, which have some of the most potent flowers on the planet. This is the main reason this honey is highly aromatic and complex, with light caramel notes that are sweet but not overpowering.

Tupelo Honey

Tupelo honey is light-colored honey that comes from the white blossom of the Tupelo tree. It’s also known as Black Tupelo or white gum honey. This type of honey has a mild fruity flavor with a buttery finish, which makes it ideal for cooking or as an alternative to sugar in tea or coffee. 

Besides, It can be eaten on its own, used as a spread on toast, or drizzled over ice cream. It’s also used in cooking to flavor baked goods such as bread and cakes because of its high concentration of fructose (about 53%). Some people even substitute it for sweetener in recipes that call for molasses!

It’s also high in antioxidants and is frequently used to treat wounds and infections. Moreover, tupelo honey has a low sucrose level, making it not crystallize. 

Buckwheat Honey

If you are a honey lover, then chances are you already are familiar with Buckwheat honey. Buckwheat honey is one of North America’s most widely known honey varieties. It comes from pink blossoms or buckwheat plants which is a cover crop. The dark color and intense flavor make it stand out among other types of honey while remaining mild enough to be used as a table spread or in baking. Buckwheat honey tastes similar to molasses but has less sweetness and a stronger aroma.

Buckwheat is also known as a beekeeper’s favorite because of its high protein concentration (making it an excellent food for bees) and its tendency for large combs (which makes harvesting easier).

Acacia Honey ( Locust honey)

Don’t know where to begin when switching from sugar to honey? Look no further than the Acacia honey. Acacia honey is medium-dark honey made by bees pollinating the acacia tree. It has a strong flavor and aroma and can only be produced in Australia, Africa, and the Middle East. It also has a high fructose content, making it ideal for baking because it doesn’t crystallize as quickly as other types of honey when heated.

Acacia honey is one of the clearest and most pure tasting honey, making it ideal for tea or cocktails, but it can also be used on toast or in cakes and other desserts. It got a vanilla flavor that quickly became our favorite during our taste test.

Clover Honey

Another premium honey makes our list, and for a solid reason. Clover honey has a mild and delightful taste with a delicate flowery aroma that honey connoisseurs are sure to love. This light, delicate flavor makes it a suitable replacement for processed sugar, especially for tea. Clover honey offers many nutritional benefits. It is high in flavanols and antioxidants that help the human body control blood pressure and heart diseases. 

Besides that, clover honey has a higher water content than other honey varieties, making it less viscous and easier to spread on toast. It also has a longer shelf life than different types of honey.

What characteristics distinguish good honey from the best?

Color, taste, texture, aroma, and the amount of pollen in the honey all play a role in determining whether it is superior to other types.

It’s color

Honey can range in color from pale yellow to dark brown-red. The darker the honey, the more pollen it contains and the healthier it is. It also implies that it was extracted from a more abundant source, such as wildflowers or trees.

Its taste

When ranking honey types, the taste is an essential factor to consider. The taste of honey depends on its floral source. For instance, citrus-flavored honey is made from orange blossoms while heather honey has a very distinctive flavor due to its rich purple color. 

Its texture

The texture of the honey is essential because it will be affected by the method used to extract the honey from its source. The texture will also determine whether or not it is spreadable or pourable. Honey extracted from its source using an extractor will have a smooth texture and be more easily spreadable than raw honey, which can be difficult to spread because of its granulated texture. 

Its aroma

Aroma is another critical factor in determining the quality of the honey because it will tell you if your product has been adulterated with other substances such as corn syrup or refined.

 Our verdict

Lastly, we hope you have enjoyed this list of the best honeys in the world. Try one of these kinds of honey if you’re looking for a new way to sweeten your life! They’re all full of flavor and nutrients that make any dish or drink taste amazing. But they also have their unique properties like health benefits and nutrition. 

We hope this blog post was helpful and you’ll be able to find something here that you like because there’s plenty to choose from!

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