Smoke Signals: How to Effectively Use a Bee Hive Smoker


Image by apajh from Pixabay

Let’s accept the fact that honey bee farming is one of the most complex jobs in the world. Not only the extra precautions you have to take, but even the equipment used is not ordinary. One of the indispensable tools used in honey bee farming is the bee hive smoker.

Honey bee farming is a centuries-old practice and with time, people have made new inventions that make the process quite easy for new farmers. In this article, we will look into the bee hive smoker and what it is used for. Therefore, stay tuned to find out all about this invention. 

What is a bee hive smoker?

Before we go into the details of how it is used, let us first know what a bee hive smoker is. This is a metal, cylindrical device that has a small opening where the smoke comes out from. Farmers use this to soothe the bees when they are highly alarmed that their hive is under some threat.

It is used when the farmer needs to inspect the hive for whatever reason. Inside the cylinder, different things are burnt producing smoke that is directed out through the small opening. When the bees see this smoke, they are under the impression that the hive is under some threat of fire. In the fight or flight response, they choose to protect their honey rather than stinging the invader.

All the bees start collecting the honey to flee from the hive and the farmer has enough time to inspect the hive in the meanwhile. The bee hive smoker not only makes it safe for the hive inspector but also reduces the aggression of bees in the hive. 

History of bee hive smokers:

Although a bee hive smoker may be a new invention, the practice of smoking the bees dates back to ancient civilizations that used to follow all the steps that the bee hive smoker does today. However, during the older times, things like dried cow dung, leaves, or old pieces of wood that were of no use otherwise were burnt to have the same effect.

Some native Americans even burnt some dried fungus that produced smoke that would act as an anesthetic for the bees. In 1873, Moses Quinby invented the first bee hive smoker. In the later 1800s, many changes were made to the invention and many bee farmers benefited from it. 

Usage of the bee hive smoker:

It is important to understand the components of the bee hive smoker before using it as it requires a skilled person to do it effectively. The first and most important step is to keep the cylinder well-lit so that there is quite a lot of smoke at the start. The farmer is also supposed to smoke the hive sometime before he actually starts to inspect it.

This allows the smoke to enter the hive and gives time for the bees to start collecting their honey. However, it must also kept in mind that a bee hive smoker is like an anaesthetic. Too much smoke may harm the bees or put them to sleep, and too little smoke may not be enough to calm the bees down. It is also advised to direct the nozzle of the bee hive smoker to any entrances of the hive and not directly on the bees.

Different types of smoke may harm the bees on different levels. Smoking at the entrance of the hive gives time for the smoke to spread evenly throughout the hive. Furthermore, there have been many instances where there farmer was caught in some accident or the bee hive smoker has caused wildfires.

Many honey bee colonies have also died due to over-smoking in the hives. Therefore, it is advised to leave this job to the skilled farmers to avoid any accidents that may be fatal for humans or wildlife. 

Benefits of a bee hive smoker:

No wonder this invention has been one of the best for honey bee farmers. Here are some of the benefits of a bee hive smoker:

  • Calmns the bees down: bees are one of the most complex and intelligent creatures in our ecosystem. When they sense an intruder, they send their signals throughout the hive and this causes aggression in the bees. When the bee hive smoker sends smoke inside the hive, it acts as a barrier between bees, and the signals are not passed on to the other areas of the hive. This reduces aggression among the bees as they stay calm, unaware of any potential threat to the hive. 
  • Makes hive inspection easier: when the bees are calm, it is easier for the honey bee farmers to inspect the hive. Since the bees are not aware of any foreign threat, they may not be aggressive and it would allow the inspector to check for any diseases or unusual bee performance. It may also give time for the farmer to check the whole hive and even treat it for something that is necessary. 
  • Increases Productivity: Honey bees are very sensitive in nature. If there is any agitation in the bees, they may not be as productive as unagitated bees. Beehive smokers help reduce the stress of bee colonies, increasing their productivity. Furthermore, treating the bee hives for any diseases or pests, as well as enhancing the bee productivity also increases the economic efficiency and well-being of the honey bee farmers. 
  • Swarm Management: sometimes the honey bees, along with their queen bee move to make another colony for themselves. Smoking the bee colonies may help calm the bees down and shift them to another colony of choice or relocate them in an easier way. 


The bee hive smoker acts as a medium between the bee farmers and the honey bees. This not only helps in the above mentioned ways but also creates a sense of trust between the tiny megaminds and their owners.

No matter how much the honey bees evolve over time, a honey bee smoker is always a handy tool in honey bee farming. I hope you found this blog post informative. Stay tuned for more blog posts if you are a bee farmer or fascinated by bees. 

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