Tapping into the Health Benefits of Honey Bee Pollen


Known as the Bee Bread, honey bee pollen is one of the most essential things you need to keep a store of if you are a beekeeper. This is nothing but a collection of different concentrations of pollen to primarily feed the bees and for them to make honey for honey bee farmers. If you want to know more about honey bee pollen, read my blog post to the end and discover the wonders this magical product can do for us. 

The Process of Harvesting Honey Bee Pollen:

You would be as shocked as I was when I read that bees also have a hierarchy they have to strictly follow. This part of the blog post is only concerned with the working class of the bee community. Funny, isn’t it?

Anyways, the worker bees are responsible for all the important work in the bee hive. These works can be as important as looking after the queen bee and its larvae, or as laborious as cleaning the hive, collecting nectar, and making honey. In the process of collecting pollen from flowers, some of the pollen sticks to the hairy bodies of bees.

Beekeepers here play a vital role in the collection of honey bee pollen. As per a report by the National Institutes for Health, the honey bee pollen collectors implant some devices or filters just outside the bee hives and when the bees return to their hive, they leave some pollen on those filters in an attempt to reach their home by squeezing themselves against the filter holes. 

Purpose of Collecting Honey Bee Pollen

The collected pollen from honey bees has many uses. It can be used for bees again or used in dermatological or health markets. This nutritional value may vary from pollen to pollen or the flowers and the area the pollen was collected from, but there are some of the most common nutritious benefits of Honey Bee Pollen.

According to a report by Science Direct, honey bee pollen has the following constituents: Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes for good digestion, Antioxidants, Fibre, Bioactive compounds, and Phytonutrients. It is needless to say, all these components are very rare to be found in one source and are very beneficial in many ways. The benefits get generic at different concentrations of nutrients present in the pollen. 

How Does Honey Bee Pollen Affect Our Health?

As you have read the names of all the nutrients present in honey bee pollen, let me also specify the health benefits we can get from them as per a report by the University of Rochester Medical Centre. A very important notion is that if we consume all those essential nutrients, it will definitely boost our immune system and help the body form a good defense mechanism, boosting our stamina.

Moreover, it is a widespread belief that consuming honey bee pollen can gradually relieve you from allergies. Yes, you read that right. This pollen helps reduce the sensitivity of human bodies against nature. Isn’t this like a miracle?

Last but not least, your skin! Honey bee pollen contains specific nutrients that help regenerate the skin cells, radiating the appearance and having better skin overall. 

How to Incorporate Honey Bee Pollen into Your Diet?

In a recent report by MDPI, it was stated that honey bee pollen has differing amounts of nutrients based on topographical and climatic differences. However, it must be kept in mind that every individual will have the tendency to have different portion sizes.

This difference will keep the medical and psychological aspects at the forefront. Although this can be used in smoothies, salads, seasonings, and desserts, the portion size depends on whether you have a medical intolerance to it or not, or if you are vegan or not, etc.

This must also be kept in consideration that foods that have the same benefits may be used less along with honey bee pollen. On the contrary, food groups that cancel the pollen’s effects must also be avoided to be used together. 

Where Can You Find Honey Bee Pollen?

As easy as it seems, this may be an actual daunting task. The market is full of fraudulent brands and scammers all along. Therefore, it is best to approach the local beekeepers as one can take a guarantee of the product’s originality.

This is also one of the easiest ways to find this amazing product. You may actually test it on your own and make sure you get a fresh supply every time you run out of the jar full of miracles. Another good way of finding Honey Bee Pollen is to find authentic local brands that claim to sell original bee pollen.

This would not only boost local business and brands, but also help you be sure that you can easily return the product if it fails to satisfy your liking. The last and final destination would be to buy it online.

Beware, many sellers claim to sell quality products but fail at it unexpectedly. Although it may provide you with a broad variety of products with differing nutritional balances, this should be your last go-to spot.

Trusted online platforms like Amazon offer a wide range of honey bee pollen for as low a price as $15. Visit these sites and order a package of your choice, but be careful. International sellers or unidentified sellers may not be trustworthy enough! So, do your background search before you order anything online. 

We acknowledge the power of honey bee pollen, but we must also look into the potential dangers. Beekeepers may not be well educated on the topic of sustainability, therefore, they may even abuse the practices.

They must be taught proper lessons on sustainable pollen harvesting. Honey bees play a vital role in our ecosystem and the way it runs with all the colors. However, in many farms, brutal practices of collecting pollen from bees are harming the bee colonies to a level that they have become endangered.

Harmful chemicals are used and the bee colonies are exhausted by collecting too much pollen from them as per a recent report.  We must come together to save these bee colonies and promote safe pollen collection, eradicating illegal extraction methods. Remember, even if one species goes extinct, it can affect us drastically. So, stand up before it’s too late!

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